They have 9 children. My mom, Juliet, became the eldest when the very first child, Judith, died when she was in her teens. She was married to one man, the same man she married some 50 or so years ago. Her husband celebrated his 74th birthday just this April and she herself will celebrate her 74th soon. She's not the hopeless romantic type.
She's part Spanish and one of the prettiest in her youth. She has many suitors but my lolo said he never said any word. He bragged that he just looked at her and they knew.
Their growing up years were not the best of years. They have seen the atrocities of war and they knew suffering more than anyone having to raise 9 children with only their land as a source of income. They have seen the worst and the best of each other and despite thousands of disappointments and frustrations, they are still together.
Through her experiences, I believe my lola has every right to define what love is. And for my benefit and some other young people who have trouble understanding what it means, this is how she put it:
People go through a lot of things for love. but the truth about love is that it's all about the rib. People will leave their wives or husbands, defy beliefs and religion, challenge faith and authority just to be with the person meant for them. Some are lucky enough to find them while the unfortunate spent their whole lifetime searching.
When you find your rib, words get out of the window, courtship isn't needed, competition doesnt matter. If it's the rib, you jump right in not minding the consequences because your heart knows where it belongs.
If it's the rib, you would know... by the look in the eyes, by the caresses, by the smiles. And if it's the rib, if one has to go, the other would soon follow. It's a magical feeling others wouldn't know. I found mine and i pray so would you.
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