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Nothing gets better after a betrayal

Posted by yeru On 11:48 PM

Everyday I convince myself that I have the ability to understand people more than they know. I am still convinced about the said ability but right now, I feel stupid.

I feel stupid because it took me 24 hours to understand what the clues mean.

"It is something you can relate with."

"My dad did a stupid, stupid thing."

How can I not see the point of the two statements? Why did it take me this long to make sense of such clues.

I can relate to it because it happened to us, to our family. And the stupid thing that dads can do? What else can it be if not...

Yes, I think you got what I'm trying to say.

But I cannot say the words because it would feel real. It would make it a real problem.

The worst thing parents can do to their children is betray their trust. The worst thing that parents can do to betray their children's trust is to destroy their trust to each other. These things are interconnected and when this stupidity happens, the children often end up the one in the worst of positions.


A word I'm so familiar with but still couldn't comprehend.
A word that I abhor and the thing my father did which I may never learn to forgive.

Nothing gets better in time. Once it's done, it is done.
I'm not judging because I may in the future betray the trust of people I love.
But before that happens, I pray that I'll be dead.

And to those that made the crime that I can't mention here yet...
I wish you long life so that you can see the effects of what you've done... YOU MISERABLE PATHETIC JUDASes!


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